Frost Fire's Blue Flame
Latest News

Personal Web pages have been updated.
If your page has not been updated and you want a new look, get with Kyat on how you want it to look.

Frost Fire has decided to become a Freehold until further notice.

Upcoming events

Great News! October 19-21st Frost Fire will be holding a mini event in the Sheriff's Playground. This is considered an actual event and will follow event rules. Cost is $5-$10 to cover food and drinks. For more info, contact the Sheriff.

THIS JUST IN::!! The People of the Shire of Frost Fire are making plans to attend Harvest Feast held November 2-4 2007 in FL.

Keep an eye out for further information.

Scribble's Corner

There is a lot of excitement in the air lately, the people of Frost Fire must be gearing up for the upcoming events. Also, there is a member of the town. A lovely maiden by the name of Valeris Shade. Not much is know about her yet. Word is, she will be attending thse events as well.

HELP!!! There is a necromaner after me... I must be off before he finds me here!!

Sherrif's Wisdom

Remember, before you critasize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when they get mad, they will be a mile away and barefoot.

Keep in mind that it is better to give than recieve!
So be sure to give me lots of special goodies at the next feast!